We had these pictures taken yesterday, FINALLY. We love them! Jay still hasn't picked out his costume, but here are some of Lily. Isn't she the cutest lady bug ever!!!!!
Can you believe sweet Lily is 1/2 a year old. Holy Cow!!!! It has gone by too fast. Knowing she is going to be our last child, it is bitter sweet to watch her grow. I do not want another baby, just want her to stay small forever. Life doesn't happen that way. Here are some cute pictures we took of her at the beach on her 1/2 birthday. We love her so much and feel so blessed to have her in our lives. She truly is our little princess.
On Friday I decided to get a babysitter for Lily so Jay and I could go to Disneyland. This was the first time he had been on any rides. He loved it! We went on the monterail, alice in wonderland, dumbo, the carousel, pirates of the carribean, the train, and even drove the cars. He made it for 5 whole hours. His new friend MaKayla joined us with her mommy. They had a great time! Jay did not like the fact he had to be strapped on to the horse, but liked it once the ride started moving. Since Jay and MaKayla were so good we got them each an ice cream cone. It's nice to be able to spoil them. Jay took a short break to watch the band. He stared at them until the rest of us couldn't take it anymore! This kid loves music. They even gave him some beads! Who knew Disneyland had a petting zoo?!? Jay thought the goats were laughing everytime they made noise. He followed them around laughing back at them. It was so cute! MaKayla got her face painted and Jay colored, this gave us a little down time. There is no way Jay would let someone paint his face. I took this last picture on the train ride back to our strollers. Look how tired Jay was. All in all it was a great day!
One of the perks from boot camp is I met a new friend. Tamika has a little girl MaKayla who is only 1 month older than Jay. We got together and took them to the zoo. Jay was extra excited because he got to ride the train! (his new favorite obsession, trains) They had a toy train that went around the celing in the train station. Jay stared at it for about 10 minutes! When Jay heard the real train's whistle blow, he couldn't get there fast enough. He tried to jump through the ropes. He is so funny! Sweet Lily just hanging out! They loved the petting zoo. Check out Jay's eyes in this next picture...