Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The hardest 3 days....

So, now that Jay is a big boy and he is going to be a big brother, we have known for months it is time for him to start going to sleep on his own. Our normal routine used to include drinking his bottle while listening to lullabies, then snuggling with Mom or be rocked by Mom until he fell asleep. Monday we decided to do it. No more dragging our feet. It's time. My main fear is if I wait too long he will think it's the new baby's fault.

So we are in day two. The first day was not as bad as I thought. But today..... homeboy screamed for about 25 minutes. After laying him back down for the 3rd time he finally fell asleep, an hour later!!!!

My heart breaks because I know the only thing he wants is snuggles from his Mamma! 2 more days, and the hardest 3 will be over. I am counting minutes.


Ted and Amanda said...

You go girl...stick to your guns.

the larsons said...

hey, so glad you joined the blog world. it's so fun. I miss Jay so much, cannot wait to hug him at Christmas.

love you! and my littlest niece or nephew too.

Unknown said...

It will get better I promise! I know exactly how you feel :)